Breast pain, also known as mastalgia, is a common concern among many women. While most cases of breast pain are not linked to breast cancer, it is ess...
डोकं आणि मानेचा कर्करोग ( head and neck cancer in marathi)
कर्करोग कर्करोग हा शब्द जरी ऐकला की भीतीने गाळण उडते...
Breast cancer: causes, symptoms, and treatment
Breast cancer Cancer of the breast develops when abnormal cells in the breast expand and divide out of control, resulting in a mass of tissue known as...
स्तनाचा कर्करोग – लक्षणे, प्रकार आणि जोखीम घटक (Breast Cancer – Symptoms, Types & Risk Factors in marathi)
कर्करोग म्हणजे जेव्हा एक किंवा अधिक पेशींच्या जनुकांमध...
महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर क्यों होता है?जानें कारण, लक्षण और उपाय-Breast Cancer Causes, Symptoms and Treatment In Hindi
महिलाओं में ब्रेस्ट कैंसर क्यों होता है?जानें कारण, लक्ष...
Cervical cancer | Causes, Symptoms & Treatments
Cancer of the cervix, the lowest section of the uterus that attaches to the vagina, is known as cervical cancer. Most cervical cancer is caused by the...
Does deodorant cause cancer?
Almost everyone in today’s life uses antiperspirant or deodorant to stay fresh. Well, people are also confused about whether there is any link betwe...
Your Body After Cancer Treatment
Cancer treatment occurs in various ways to lead a normal life. These treatments work properly to heal a cancer patient. Cancer treatment depends on va...
Cancer Screening Tests Every Woman Should Know
There are some types of cancer like breast cancer which women suffer from. Hence if you are a woman, you need to know about certain screening tests fo...
Breast Cancer Awareness Month- October
Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October helps to make people know about this health issue that affects millions of women. Medical societies, non-prof...